The Mission of Trinity Episcopal Day School:
The mission of Trinity Episcopal Day School is to nurture each child in Mind, Body, and Spirit within a dynamic learning environment that inspires a love of learning and strong spiritual and moral values.
The Faculty, Staff, and Board of Trinity Episcopal Day School Are United in Their Belief That All Children:
- Have the power to learn
- Are curious and creative
- Can succeed
We know that God uniquely created your child. No two children have the same learning style. That’s why we create a personalized learning environment. Teachers combine direct classroom instruction, small-group work, and one-on-one interaction in a way that works best for your child.
We Believe in An Episcopal School Education:
Trinity Episcopal Day School is an outreach ministry of Trinity Episcopal Church of The Woodlands. The church is an integral part of our school and assists us in merging spiritual formation into all aspects of the educational experience for our children. First and foremost, Episcopal Schools have a commitment to provide excellence in teaching and learning. Our preschool teachers guide our young learners with love as they balance play with new concepts during class time. Episcopal Schools are inclusive communities who invite families of all faiths to participate; they are welcoming and hospitable to all. Trinity Episcopal Day School is a community where all individuals appreciate a diversity of cultures, faith practices, and a love of learning that is exchanged in every school day and at every school event. A place where children are recognized, appreciated, and held in good care. We weave these principles into the fabric of our school’s life through chapel services as we ensure that we are providing a firm foundation of Christ’s love while helping our children to be openhearted learners who practice responsible behavior and offer service to others.
Trinity Episcopal Day School Non-Discrimination Policy:
Trinity Episcopal Day School does not discriminate regarding hiring, admission, or financial aid qualification. We endorse diversity in our staff, school board members, and student body, with the goal of encouraging participants from varied ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds.